ACWF President Inspects China Medical Women's Association

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ACWF President Inspects China Medical Women's Association

 April 18, 2021
ACWF President Inspects China Medical Women's Association

Shen Yueyue, President of the All-China Women's Federation, speaks at a symposium when she inspects the China Medical Women's Association on April 14. [China Women's News/Tian Shanlei]


Shen Yueyue, President of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), attended a symposium when she inspected the China Medical Women's Association (CMWA) on April 14. Shen stressed further studying and implementing the spirit of the important speeches delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping.

She urged the CMWA to give full play to its role of uniting and guiding women medical workers to promote the great spirit of combating COVID-19 epidemic, to uphold medical ethics, to strive to advance the Healthy China initiative, to do more for people's health and the well-being of every family, to continue being "most admirable people in the new era," and to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) with outstanding achievements.

Representatives of the CMWA shared their feelings and understandings of General Secretary Xi's important speeches and their work in the battle against COVID-19. They also vowed to provide efficient, high-quality healthcare services for the people.

ACWF President Inspects China Medical Women's Association

Shen Yueyue, President of the All-China Women's Federation, participates in the symposium when she inspects the CMWA on April 14. [China Women's News/Tian Shanlei]


Shen also urged breakthroughs in technologies and scientific and technological innovation as well as ensuring the delivery of comprehensive lifecycle health services for the people.

During the meeting, the participants discussed some topics related to women and family well-being, including charity project of women's health, prevention and treatment of chronic diseases, psychological health and breast cancer prevention.

Shen urged women medical workers to popularize health knowledge, promote healthy and green lifestyle, and guide women to monitor the health of their family members.

Shen stressed providing medical services, including mother and baby care, middle-aged and elderly chronic disease prevention and treatment, free screening of breast cancer and cervical cancer, and psychological counseling of different groups of women, in villages and communities, in a bid to consolidate the results of poverty alleviation through improving health care.

Shen underlined that the ACWF will, as always, support and build platforms for the work of the CMWA, cooperate with the CMWA to facilitate the development of women medical workers, and encourage them to pool wisdom and efforts into the socialist health undertakings with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

Huang Xiaowei, Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and Vice-President and First Member of the Secretariat of the ACWF, also participated in the inspection tour and presided over the symposium.

ACWF President Inspects China Medical Women's Association

Shen Yueyue (R), President of the All-China Women's Federation, presents the medal of the National March 8th Red-banner Collective to the CMWA during her inspection tour on April 14. [China Women's News/Tian Shanlei]


ACWF President Inspects China Medical Women's Association

Huang Xiaowei (R), Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and Vice-President and First Member of the Secretariat of the All-China Women's Federation, awards the certificate of the National March 8th Red-banner Collective to the CMWA during the inspection tour on April 14. [China Women's News/Tian Shanlei]


(Source: China Women's News/Translated and edited by Women of China)


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